
Byebye Byebye

Dear MM,

The real you always makes me want to cry. And Moumoun is always in my mind. It's difficult to find a balance for me. Moumoun, the real you'll never understand me.

Fangfang told me to leave as far as I can, I always couldn't do it. I always reminded myself that I have to keep my promises to you. In fact it is just a promise for myself, for the little girl who still believe in love and beauty...

I said that I was to difficult for you to understand, maybe I should just give you peace. You said it was ok, as long as you know why, so that you don't ask yourself the questions.

What I'm feeling doesn't matter to you at all...

Moumoun, maybe, one day you'll say Byebye too? The day when I no longer believe the purity in this world?

Sitting here is agreeable, hope I can stay in the sunshine for my whole life, watching the Seine and feeling the waving on the board. I'm always struggling with the reality and the imagination. I don't know where I'm heading for, I don't know which way is better, saying goodbye to the childish me or saying goodbye to the world.

I don't want to blame it all on you. Fan fang said it was all your fault that you've changed a pure cute little girl to a crazy and desperate one. As for me, the sadness is one part of the beauty, but it really hurts sometimes.

To What should I say goodbye?

Sorry Moumoun. I don't want you to feel abandoned, but I don't know how long could I stand the pain.


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